Case Studies

Circumventing manufacturing issues due to Covid-19

Situation / Issue

A UK manufacturer offered re-supply for our client’s vaccine trial (2,005 packs), with a 3-month lead time. Our client placed a PO, but upon BAP’s order placement, the manufacturer advised that due to the impact of Covid-19 on their manufacturing capacity, the lead time would be extended to 4 months. Shortly after, the manufacturer updated to advise that they could no longer commit to supply at all during 2020 due to Covid-19.

Faced with a potential interruption of the clinical trial, BAP Pharma mobilised to find an alternative source of the vaccine in question.


BAP Pharma Action

BAP performed a market assessment for the vaccine in question in order to establish if stock was available in other countries. BAP’s investigation indicated that the manufacturer’s German affiliate was able to supply, and offered this as an alternative to the client, with full support on making the switch from UK packs to German packs.

Outcome / Result

BAP was able to source the full quantity of vaccines, with full documentation, in just 2 weeks, ensuring continuity of supply for the client’s trial.

Using our excellent relationships with manufacturers across the EU, BAP Pharma were able to secure the required stock from the manufacturer’s German affiliate, which was not facing the same supply issues as the UK affiliates.

BAP Pharma Added Value

Despite difficult circumstances in context of the global coronavirus pandemic, BAP was able to ensure that there was no interruption to supply of comparator to our client’s trial, and also shortened the original lead time substantially.

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